Submitting Undergraduate Course Grade Books

Purpose: From time to time students decide to contest or inquire about a grade several years after the course has been completed. While they typically contact the instructor directly, there are occasions when the instructor is no longer available and can not be contacted. For this reason, it is important for the department to have documentation of the grading decision made by the instructor of the class. The department will store the grade books confidentially up to 7 years as documentation of student progress through the course.

Directions: Instructor grade books (in the form of a spreadsheet) should be submitted to Dax Schwartz ([email protected]) at the end of each semester. As with the syllabi, please remember to use the template label (S23 POL xxxx - course name - Last Name - Grade Book.xlsx) An example would be "S23 POL 3065 - Political Engagement Careers - Soper - Grade Book.xlsx."