Undergraduate Syllabi Archive

Purpose: Instructor syllabi are valuable to students in multiple ways. If we have archived syllabi, students can easily request them from our office if they need to submit the syllabus to a graduate program as proof of prerequisite course content. Visiting students often need to send syllabi to their home schools to confirm that they will be fulfilling requirements while they are here. In addition, it helps students in deciding on courses for registration. When telling students that we have an online undergraduate syllabi bank, students light up with expected anticipation.

IMPORTANT: All undergraduate syllabi shared online can only be accessed through a UMN account.

Directions: Office staff will request undergraduate syllabi at the beginning of each semester. These syllabi should be sent in PDF format prior to the start of the semester. Please remember to use the template label (F/SP/SS+last two digits of year POL XXXX: [Course Name] - Instructor Last Name). An example would be "SP18 POL 1001: American Government & Politics  - Karch."